Monday, November 7, 2011

Well here I go.

My girlfriend tells me I'm college. Like its an adjective, and I like it. It's kinda hard to believe that this is the experience... I feel like I should be a lot more changed. Instead everything else has. Well, mostly everything. The immediate environment has changed. The people I see everyday have changed. My girlfriend and hometown friends and family, however, have not, which I remain thankful for. I mean, college is fun. Quelf games happen every week. Wacky socials are abound - tonight I helped make a horror movie. My new friends are absolutely wonderful.

I'm going to be cliched and corny here: Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold. New stuff is cool, and pretty soon it won't feel quite so new anymore, but everything and everyone I associate with home feels so special, something that college could never replicate. I'm going home this weekend, and I shall be seeing my wonderfulamazing girlfriend and absolutelysupercool friends, and I can't. freaking. wait.

Yeah, dude, I'm college. Ish.

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