Monday, November 7, 2011

I should probably give you some details.

My roommate for one is kind of a handful. I've had to play therapist more times than I can count, and other times he doesn't let the sex jokes stop. He's an absolutely wonderful human being! He's just... a lot to deal with.

I have pretty awesome classes - they're ending in a month unfortunately. I have film studies which I love. A lot. Basically analyzing classics like a mofo. I quite enjoy it. Especially when there are days like today, when we watched Some Like It Hot. Jack Lemmon, you get me every time....

I have a crap load of music classes. There's music theory, where we learn that using tritones (dissonance) in conventional music is equivalent to selling newborn babies to cannibal chimney sweeps. You just don't do it.
There's ear training, where we learn how to sight sing and stuff. It's absurdly easy. Basically its saying tatatatatata in rhythm and saying do re mi fa etc in tune.
Orchestra is orchestra. My stand partner... I want to slap her in the face. She told me that this crazy spanish ballet that sounds like bats out of hell sounded like Pachebel's canon. Whut. Also she has this habit of staring at me (at least I think that's what she's doing), so I pretend that the music is suddenly more interesting than it really is. She's so creepy.
I have this awesome composer's sectional every wednesday. It's basically this older professor who is super hip and these two upperclassmen composers. I love it. Once the prof brought in his frog named Gilly. We wasted so much time that day....
There's functional piano but its so boring because I already know how to do all the things I'm getting taught...
I have a french class which is awesome and fairly easy. Apparently my girlfriend's high school sophomore french class is harder. Yeah.

So there's the background. I don't want to write too much more because I'm lazy and tired. More to come later.

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