Thursday, April 19, 2012

Okay I haven't been on here in a while and this isn't exactly college but I need to rant.

Basically, our society is a shithole and it's only been fairly recently that I've become aware of it. Mostly the war the Congress is waging against women's rights. I am so fucking sick and tired of it. I read these articles and see things on the news and I don't even know how this kind of outdated crap can be present in Congress. It's all been in my awareness and I've been bothered by it, but for some reason now I've processed it all and I'm furious.

They have no fucking right to complain that the government isn't doing things right while in the same breath curtailing a women's right to have sex safely. They're trying to limit the amount of contraception available to women while at the same time eliminating Planned Parenthood, which is absolute horseshit and I really want to give them a good slap in the face.

I hate this country, because its a place where Rush Limbaugh can get away with calling a women a slut because she supports the free contraception bill. No wait SCRATCH THAT. There is no reason that calling a woman a 'slut' should ever be justified, because who a woman has sex with is her business and no one else's. Like, a man can have sex like there's no tomorrow and no one would give a care. But if a woman does the same thing she's called a slut. That's bullshit. What you do with what you're born with is no one else's business and if you're promiscuous, so what. You like sex, who wouldn't? We were genetically built to ENJOY SEX.

I am just fed up with all of this. I'm being told I should love my country? Really, I'm not feeling any of it, if its allowed to even consider laws and social norms that would say 'You're a slut if you have sex. I'm going to control your sex life by taking away your right to have it safely. Then if you get pregnant we're going to take away your right to be aided by an organization that will help you do the right thing to make your child healthy. And god forbid you get an STD from unprotected sex, you're going to get shamed because that's how society works. Oh yes, and the men don't have to put up with that.'

Fuck that. Fuck our society. I don't want to live in this country any more if misguided politicians that I haven't even met before think its okay to tell my girlfriend - the LOVE OF MY LIFE - all these things and enforce them. I don't want to live in this country and be powerless while this can happen. I'm going to write letters with something to this effect to our senators and representatives. Hell, I'll write one to Obama. I'm not going to let them tell my girlfriend - or any of my friends, or her friends, or anyone else who is female - what they can or cannot do with their own body. They have absolutely no right to take away any rights as a human from any of my loved ones or anyone's loved ones. And furthermore I don't want my children to grow up in a country as fucked up as this.

I want to do so much to prevent this from happening. I love my girlfriend and my friends and my family way too damn much to let anyone tell them that even though they have never met them or even know who they are - and because these 'anyones' are MEN - they have the right to stomp all over their rights. Fuck them. Fuck anyone who does that. Because they are elected officials doesn't mean they can tell you how to have sex and whether you can have sex without being at risk at having a baby or a disease that could kill you. They are saying "Fuck you, we can ruin lives and there is nothing you can do it about it."
It breaks my heart. It makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry forever, and when I open my eyes it will all be gone. But that's not going to solve anything. So I'm going to do all I can and research how I can stop this. Because fuck anyone who messes with the people I love.

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